PSAT - Wednesday, 10/13, Registrants check in at gym at 7:45 am

Thank you for the feedback we received from the PSAT interest survey.  Based on the interest, Cerritos HS has decided to offer the Oct. 13th PSAT/MNSQT to limit our enrollment to the first 500 10th and 11th graders only.  In order to allow for a safe testing environment, students will be seated 3 feet apart in our two gymnasiums. Therefore, we can only offer the test to those who register officially at the counseling window on campus during snack or lunch breaks beginning on Monday, Sep. 27th.  Don't miss out and register early as registration will close when we reach capacity!
  • 10th graders can register for free.
  • 11th graders with Free/Reduced lunch status will register for free
  • The remaining 11th graders will pay $30 cash or check (payable to "Cerritos High School") to register. 
  • 9th and 12th graders are not eligible for this year's PSAT administration
  • Please keep in mind that all students testing will miss Periods 1-5 on the day of testing. Students will be responsible for working with their teachers to catch up on missed classwork.
  • Disclaimer: Per current policy, CSU & UC (any increasing number private schools) no longer considers SAT or ACT test scores when making admissions decisions or awarding scholarships. 
  • The PSAT/NMSQT for 11th graders is the only exam that qualifies the student for the National Merit Scholarship.
When: Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021   8 AM- 12 PM (Yes, testers will start school early on the late-start day)
Where: Registered students should check-in at the school gym around 7:45 AM.

Note: Each student will receive a "PSAT Student Guide" at the time of registration.  Full-length practice tests are available inside the student guide along with other valuable information (i.e. acceptable calculators and necessary materials for the test day). Also, visit the Collegeboard website for additional practice tests and resources: